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Leonard Sweet: EPIC - die Wahrheitsfindung der digitalen Kultur

Leonard Sweet ist wohl einer der vorrangisten Denker und Macher der PoMo-Bewegung. Hier gibt es ein interessantes Profil/Interview über ihn, das seine wichtigsten Botschaften wiedergibt. Ich finde besonders die EPIC-Formel hilfreich und einleuchtend. Nicht nur, dass sie praktisch sehr anwendbar ist, sondern auch was Sweet über den Umgang mit Extremen sagt, ist interessant. EPIC scheint mir einer der Beiträge zu sein, der den Test der Zeit bestehen wird. Ein Auszug aus dem Bericht:

"The epistemology of digital culture is EPIC: E=experiential; P=participatory; I=image-rich; C=connective. If you understand EPIC, it means the Eastern Orthodox and Pentecostals have won, since both extremes of Christianity are structurally EPIC.

We're trying to place it safe, hugging the middle-of the road. But the middle lane is the suicide lane.

And the key to ministry today is to come to terms with the new "normal distribution curve," which is no longer the "Bell Curve" (where everything bunches up in big middles and with weak ends) but the "Well Curve" (where there is a mitosis of the middle and the ends are getting huge). We fear the extremes when we need to be bringing the extremes together.

After all, isn't the bringing of the extremes together the essence of Christian orthodoxy (as symbolized in the cross). Biblical truth is not found in one extreme or the other, but in both extremes at once. "Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other" is the King James Version of Psalm 85:10. EPIC worship brings together tradition and innovation, change and continuity."

gepostet von marlster am 10/01/2004 01:57:00 PM.

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SIYACH (hebrew) - to meditate, to ponder, to converse with oneself, and hence aloud; to utter or commune, complain, declare, meditate, muse, pray, speak, talk with (God in prayer, etc.) or it could be with another believer or group of believers--speaking one's thoughts about a passage of Scripture or words to a hymn, etc., etc.