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Die beste Motivation: Menschen danken und sie schätzen

Eigentlich ist es sonnenklar und doch schwierig: Menschen werden weniger durch externe Dinge wie Status, Geld usw motiviert, sondern eher durch den Glauben, an etwas Bedeutsamen mitzuarbeiten. Dankbarkeit und Wertschätzung vermittelt das. Es ist weniger ein Motivationstrick als normale Menschlichkeit. Warum ist es dann so schwierig? Wahrscheinlich weil es mehr Aufmerksamkeit und Selbstüberwindung braucht als Kritik zu üben oder einfach zu schweigen.

Putting Gratitude To Work : "Despite vast evidence that extrinsic motivators do more harm than good when it comes to motivating people, many workplaces are still filled with employee-of-the-month programs, special gift certificates to 'high performers,' award dinners for a select group, and so on. All these approaches are based on scarcity -- just a few people get just a few blue ribbons, so most people end up feeling like losers, including the many people who worked just as hard.

People will do a good job when they have a good job to do, the freedom to do it, a compelling vision that moves everyone in a common direction, and the support they need to get the job done. As far as rewards and awards are concerned, what resonates the most is genuine, down-to-earth appreciation."

gepostet von marlster am 10/05/2004 10:12:00 AM.

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Name: marlster
Ort: Heidelberg

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SIYACH (hebrew) - to meditate, to ponder, to converse with oneself, and hence aloud; to utter or commune, complain, declare, meditate, muse, pray, speak, talk with (God in prayer, etc.) or it could be with another believer or group of believers--speaking one's thoughts about a passage of Scripture or words to a hymn, etc., etc.