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Jesus People

Als wir letztes Wochenende über die Geschichte der Vineyard geredet haben, waren viele Leute fasziniert von der Jesus-People-Bewegung und den ganzen Querverbindungen (zu Calvary Chapel, zu Keith Green etc). Vor allem Loonie Frisbee stieß auf viel Interesse und so trage ich mal ein paar Links über ihn zusammen. Außerdem ein Song der Band Agape, der die Zeit gut auf den Punkt bringt:

Tired of all the Bureaucratic BULLSHIT
Searching for
to a hurting soul,
to a hurting world

Then came the Rebels
Three are dead, but ONE is still ALIVE
where have they gone?
who did they turn on?
the seeds were sown
where have they gone?

they couldn't tolerate the LIES anymore
they discovered the
one essential truth of love

Like a heavenly church bell
it called the world to the end
of hypocrisy
and the confirmation that GOD IS LOVE

The voice was pure and simple
it melted our frozen

Frisbee und Jesus People Links:
Stationen im Leben von Loonie Frisbee – Calvary Chapel, Vineyard, Hippie Preacher -
Christianity Today Interview über Frisbee
Dissertation von David diSabatino – History of the Jesus Movement (180 Seiten)
Zeitungsbericht: Ears on their head, but they don’t hear
Frisbee: The Life and Death of a Hippie Preacher – ein Film über Frisbee
Zeitungsbericht: The first Jesus Freak
Remembering the Jesus Movement
Jesus People Musik

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gepostet von marlster am 1/29/2006 10:08:00 AM.

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Name: marlster
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SIYACH (hebrew) - to meditate, to ponder, to converse with oneself, and hence aloud; to utter or commune, complain, declare, meditate, muse, pray, speak, talk with (God in prayer, etc.) or it could be with another believer or group of believers--speaking one's thoughts about a passage of Scripture or words to a hymn, etc., etc.